Receive all frequently asked questions about our Ultimate ERP system from here.

Main configuration

Factory orders

Warehouse management - Factory orders
  • Check if the unit of measurement for the product /PL container-CT, crate-CR PC/
Warehouse management - Factory orders
  • The storage time is retrieved from the product inquiry field "Total storage time" on JDE, and is impossible to change manually.
  • If necessary, the time on JDE must be edited.
When logging in from the tablet or scanner
Approve the device request on the user registration section - /Approve the request on the tab by searching for the username/
When logging in from the desktop or tablet
  • Extend the date on the user registration
  • Edit and save the date on the registration tab by searching for the username

Дэсктоп болон таблетаас нэвтрэх үед

  • Хэрэглэгчийн бүртгэл дээрх түгжигдсэн чекийг идэвхигүй болгон хадгалах -Хэрэглэгчийн нэрээр хайлт хийн түгжигдсэн талбарын төлөвийг өөрчлөн хадгалах
  • Edit and save the locked field by seacrhing for the username
When logging in from the desktop or tablet
  • Check the user branch and branch type
  • Choose the sub permissions and setting type from the search bar after searching for the username
When logging in from the desktop or tablet
  • Check if the category and company setting is correct on the user registration
  • Choose the sub permissions and setting type from the search bar after searching for the username

Inbound goods from the factory

Tablet-Inbound menu
  • Search by the license number on the inbound inquiry
  • Check if there is an inbound number on the factory order license line

Quality approval

Warehouse management - Quality approval
  • Unable to change the blocked product status on Ultimate
  • Change status on the Krones system line

Movement between warehouses

Inventory management - Movement
Check the license balance on the specific warehouse /licenses in movement/
APIs related to our Ultimate ERP system are created for developers, where you can send and retrieve information and perform other functional operations at the coding level through the external portal of your Ultimate ERP system.