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Make your business more efficient with the right information for the right person at the right time

Make your business more efficient with the right information for the right person at the right time.

Trade and service solutions

Tailored to the specifics of the retail and service industries, the Ultimate ERP system’s intelligent functions can be integrated to help you improve your business processes and increase your sales.

Жижиг дунд бизнест зориулсан систем

Small and medium-sized enterprises

POS and VATPS-connected sales program is provided free of charge after registration
нөөцийн удирдлага, нөөцийн оновчтой удирдлага, нөөцийн удирдлагын систем, нөөцийн удирдлагын шийдэл

Resource management

Full possibility of managing resources, which is one of the most vital factors in retail business.
loyalty system - лояалти систем

Different types of loyalty programs

Different types of loyalty programs can help you keep your customers happy in the trade and services sector
Нийлүүлэлтийн удирдлага, нийлүүлэлтийн систем, нийлүүлэлтийн програм

Uninterrupted supply chain

Ensuring the best possible time and non-interruption of goods with the supplier.
Нягтлан бодох бүртгэлийн систем

FRS compliant entry

General ledger fully compliant to the Mongolian financial reporting standards
Борлуулалтын систем, борлуулалтын програм, борлуулалтын програм хангамж, борлуулалтын шийдэл, борлуулалтын цогц шийдэл

Convenient and modern stores

Opportunity to be provided the standard procedures of world-known convenience stores

Hi. How can we help?


We provide regular technical support by contacting our customers by phone and e-mail.


We provide system training and manuals to staff using our ERP system

Help Desk

Customers can regularly communicate with us via our program to send information, suggestions, and requests.